The seven seals in Revelation chapters 6-8 outline the progression of events between Christ's first and second coming. These seals parallel Jesus' teachings in Matthew 24, describing a world marked by the spread of the gospel, warfare, famine, death, and the martyrdom of believers, culminating in cosmic upheaval at history's end. The events depicted aren't just future predictions but reflect the ongoing reality of life between Christ's appearances.God's protection of His people stands as a central theme, symbolized by the 144,000 and the great multitude from every nation. This protection doesn't guarantee safety from earthly trials or persecution, but rather ensures spiritual preservation through God's ultimate judgment. Like the Israelites during the plagues of Egypt, believers are marked and sealed by God, their prayers rising before Him like incense. This divine protection sustains the faithful through trials, though not necessarily from them, as they await the final establishment of God's kingdom.